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La Casa de Bernarda Alba

by Federico Garcia Lorca
Translated by A.S. Kline

11–14 March 2020

Bernarda mother of 5 has become both the matriarch and patriarch of her household following her second husband’s death, Her over bearing nature and extreme obsession with reputation and image lead to chaos within the household. Her five daughters are thrown in to a world of dispute, money, false love and reputability enveloping them in an inevitable tragedy. Written by the famous Spanish playwright Federico Garcia Lorca; the play explores, as written on the script, “A drama of women in villages of Spain”. The play does claimed grounded in true stories of Lorca in his youth growing up in these villages where sexism and class segregation were prevalent. Lorca explores the tragic risks of this oppressive environment to the young, in particular women. The play criticises these attitudes and mindsets, showing that it will always lead to pain and suffering for those involved.

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Show Materials

La Casa de Bernarda Alba poster
SmugMug album kb952G: La Casa de Bernarda Alba (La-Casa-de-Bernarda-Alba)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-12 17:18:17 +0000
Album last organised at: 2020-03-11T21:07:38+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2020-03-11T21:08:04+00:00
59 total images