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72 in 72: Alice in Wonderland

by Lewis Carroll
Adapted by Zoe Smith

27 September 2019

Based on the 1865 Novel by Lewis Carroll, ‘Alice in Wonderland’ follows a naive girl on an adventure to make some slightly mad friends…

72 in 72 is back to kick off a new year for the Nottingham New Theatre! Starting at 3pm on the 24th of September, a team of actors, producers, directors, designers, technicians and many other roles, will have just 72 hours to create a 72 minute production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by Lewis Carroll.

Show Materials

72 in 72: Alice in Wonderland poster
SmugMug album t9CSbN: 72 - Alice in Wonderland (72-Alice-in-Wonderland)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-10 16:54:47 +0000
Album last organised at: 2019-10-10T18:06:03+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2019-10-10T18:06:48+00:00
37 total images