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Twelfth Night

by William Shakespeare
Adapted by Jonny Flood

1 March 2019

72 in 72 is back for another term!

Beginning on Tuesday 26th March at 15:00, a team of actors, producers, directors, designers, technicians and many other roles, will have just 72 hours to produce “Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare, abridged by Jonny Flood.

Missing Stories We're collecting short stories / anecdotes / trivia about each show. If you've got something to share send the editors a message.

Show Materials

Twelfth Night poster
SmugMug album q3VGp7: Twelfth Night (Twelfth-Night)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-11 17:16:40 +0000
Album last organised at: 2019-03-05T12:29:06+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2020-10-12T00:30:06+00:00
199 total images