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The Beauty Queen Of Leenane

In a rural village among the mountains of Connemara, County Galway, live Maureen Folan, a plain, lonely woman in her early forties, and Mag, her manipulative ageing mother. Maureen’s sisters have fled their toxic home and left her single-handedly responsible to care for her mother, a thorny and abusive woman who controls Maureen’s life and denies others from offering her the one thing she seeks from life, a genuine human connection. Then Pato, the village charmer, enters Maureen’s life and offers her opportunities beyond the limited scope of her Irish home, disrupting Mag’s carefully maintained status quo, which sets in motion a tragic train of events. Looking at family bonds and the effects of abuse on the human psyche, yet handled with surprising humour, McDonagh’s darkly comic domestic piece is laced with hubris and sympathy, violence and tenderness, youth and tradition.

  • By accident more than design, the gap in the hob happened to be just the exact size for the hazer to sit perfectly. Sam Osborne Sam Osborne
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The Beauty Queen Of Leenane poster
SmugMug album n76mCb: The Beauty Queen of Leenane (The-Beauty-Queen-of-Leenane)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-11 17:16:01 +0000
Album last organised at: 2018-11-25T16:42:20+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2018-11-25T16:43:01+00:00
80 total images