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Sam wants to be a journalist. Despite the extra degree, the extra debt and the extra work experience, he’s still on the bottommost rung of the editorial ladder, at a bottommost lad’s magazine. Doghouse is far from fantastic and his co-workers are pretty similar; Charlotte might be nice, but Rupert’s an upper-class annoyance and Aiden’s oddly difficult to pin down. But Sam thinks he can make the best of it and at least do his job properly. Right?

Lucy Kirkwood’s “NSFW” takes a searing look behind the front covers of both men and women’s magazines, encapsulating the current cultural climate surrounding hypocrisy and sexuality. Satire and comedy collide with commercial exploitation to reveal those editors behind the scenes, and what’s resorted to when it all goes horribly wrong.

Missing Stories We're collecting short stories / anecdotes / trivia about each show. If you've got something to share send the editors a message.

Show Materials

NSFW poster
SmugMug album D9fqTL: NSFW (NSFW)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-12 17:17:10 +0000
Album last organised at: 2018-05-16T11:04:45+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2018-05-16T11:05:33+00:00
67 total images