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The Fall of Byron Montrose: Poet, Gentleman, Lover

Blackadder meets Milton Jones. Pun filled comedy story telling with breaks for bad poetry. The sellout Edinburgh Fringe show returns to Nottingham New Theatre after touring the UK. Byron Montrose is disinherited, exiled and just can’t quit the opium. Hear his adventures as he drifts around Europe in search of love, lust and laudanum. “Full of cheek and charm” Sabotage reviews “like a Spike Milligan book … delightfully different.” Notts comedy review. It’s silly witty and just a little bit naughty.

Show Materials

The Fall of Byron Montrose: Poet, Gentleman, Lover poster
SmugMug album J8Qxj3: Byron Montrose (Byron-Montrose)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-10 16:53:37 +0000
Album last organised at: 2018-06-18T18:09:28+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2018-06-18T18:10:06+00:00
42 total images