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The Pillowman

“It isn’t about being or not being dead. It’s about what you leave behind.”

A writer named Katurian is interrogated by two detectives about his short stories, some of which hold clear similarities to a number of child-murders that are being committed in his town. Set within an unnamed totalitarian state, Katurian is questioned by detectives Tupolski and Ariel who adopt an unconventional dynamic to determine Katurian’s involvement in the atrocities. When the detectives reveal that they have also detained Katurian’s brother Michal, things become more complex and Katurian realises that he may be more culpable than previously thought. Martin McDonagh’s (In Bruges, The Cripple of Inishmaan) black comedy explores the nature of censorship and the responsibility of art in a time when fiction can be considered as dangerous as reality. This production is presented by Coronet Productions in association with the Nottingham New Theatre.

Show Materials

The Pillowman poster