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The Nether

A young detective triggers an investigation into an area of The Nether, a virtual reality internet that provides total sensory immersion where users can log in, choose an identity and indulge their every desire. The area in question, The Hideaway, is the most beautifully created part of The Nether, yet home to one of the most twisted forms of entertainment; a Victorian mansion containing a group of virtual children for people to live out their violent and sexual desires with. She questions clients, employees, and the owner of The Hideaway, uncovering and questioning their justifications for the existence of this online world but, once the interrogation is over, will any of them be able to see this virtual world, or the real world, in the same way again?

  • For the 'jacks' scene, we had multiple balls so that if one dropped off the raised set the other one could still be used. Didn't stop Emma and Miguel losing them though. Jack Ellis Jack Ellis
  • Send in an anecdote

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The Nether poster
SmugMug album Dj7Spj: The Nether by Jennifer Haley (The-Nether-by-Jennifer-Haley)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-11 17:14:41 +0000
Album last organised at: 2017-03-11T19:19:56+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2017-03-11T19:20:00+00:00
49 total images