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“Here at the centre of everything, journeys end and nightmares are born.” As Ollie searches Manchester for her missing sister, she finds every lead seems to guide her to a concrete island in the middle of the city: Pomona. Seemingly a vacuous space with no evidence of human life, the reality of what happens beneath the concrete sucks in any seemingly ‘good’ person and ultimately questions what a person could do in the right circumstance. A sinister and surreal thriller, Pomona disconcertingly blurs the lines between horror games and a much more nightmarish reality.

  • The moment that sticks out here is when I plotted the opening sequence alone, and upon running it with the cast they all broke character and went "SICK!" as the lights started flashing in time to the music. Sam Osborne Sam Osborne
  • Send in an anecdote

Show Materials

Pomona poster
SmugMug album 4rgCkH: Pomona by Alistair McDowall (Pomona-by-Alistair-McDowall)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-12 17:16:33 +0000
Album last organised at: 2018-04-02T20:43:32+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2018-04-02T20:44:29+00:00
276 total images