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Tyrannosaurus Sketch

The country’s only student-run theatre presents an hour of sketch comedy in the form of Tyrannosaurus Sketch! Featuring six actors fuelled mostly by coffee and the desperate need to procrastinate their degree and writers with comedy ambitions bigger than Kim Jong Un’s nuclear missile programme. Tyrannosaurus Sketch sets out a smorgasbord of comedy, from highbrow humour to cringe-worthy puns, with pit-stops at superhero parodies and absolute absurdism, this show is sure to entertain, as these Nottingham students come out all puns blazing!

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Show Materials

Tyrannosaurus Sketch poster
SmugMug album MBsTNm: Tyrannosaurus Sketch (Tyrannosaurus-Sketch)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-10 16:52:42 +0000
Album last organised at: 2016-09-03T12:45:14+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2016-09-03T12:45:39+00:00
59 total images