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24–27 February 2016

Three employees, two jobs, one boss, and a cutthroat attitude. Mike Bartlett’s Olivier award winning play, Bull, is an allegory of Spanish bullfighting and a 45 minute white knuckle ride through the manipulative world of the modern workplace. Isobel, Thomas, and Tony are each scrambling to save their jobs with one destined for the sack from their daunting boss Carter. Surely his decision will be fair? Don’t be so sure. Two colleagues lie, cheat, taunt and victimise their way to success in order to make the other see red. This play is a stark and brutal look at bullying in the workplace which is guaranteed to hit you hard like a shot of tequila and make you squirm uncomfortably in your seat.

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Show Materials

Bull poster
SmugMug album rGrN9V: Bull 2016 (Bull-2015)
Last retrieved at 2021-01-10 16:52:19 +0000
Album last organised at: 2016-03-06T21:11:20+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2016-04-05T21:11:48+00:00
76 total images