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Our Country's Good

In 1788 the English sent the first six convict ships to Australia. After eight months at sea, they finally arrived at Botany Bay. Ralph Clark, an ambitious young officer decides to put on a play with the convicts to impress the governor in chief. With a leading lady about to be hanged, only two copies of the play, and half the British Army against him, this is no easy task.

The play follows this infant civilisation through a series of amusing, satirical, poignant and disturbing events. It is a moving and affirmative tribute to the transforming power of drama.

Missing Stories We're collecting short stories / anecdotes / trivia about each show. If you've got something to share send the editors a message.

Show Materials

Our Country's Good poster

Missing Production Shots We're missing photographs of the show. If you can help send the editors a message.