Debug table was not enabled for this build, to enable set enable_debug_table to true in _config.yml.
Jack Ellis

Jack Ellis


I took my time joining the NNT, properly doing so midway through second year. Thankfully I was doing a 4-year course, so I hadn’t wasted that much time not being there. I joined saying I’d do backstage stuff as a cover for when my acting wasn’t good enough for people to want me to be in their shows.

Turned out that was unnecessary.

9 proper acting roles, and 2 voiceovers later, I’ve still managed to do a lot of backstage stuff; I was in charge of the workshop for 2 years (somehow), and instigated 2 changes to the name of the role, leaving me as hopefully the only Company Set Technician the NNT will ever have. I’ve put wheels on things, made a range cooker out of wood in about 3 hours with zero plan as to how to do it, and made little boxes that people shine torches through to display Facebook reacts. I’ve “fathered” a bunch of theatre freshers, and with three sketches doubled the number of sound cues in Freshers’ Fringe 2018. I’ve learned how to sound and video design from scratch. I’ve done more shows with a put-on accent than without. More than any of that though I’ve met a lot of people along the way who I’ll always have time for.

Bio last updated 2019-06-26, submit updates.


Computer Science MSc
